
Webinar on the EU’s new pact on migration and asylum

The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) organized on February 5, 2021, a webinar under the title “A way forward on migration under the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union?” The MPI is an independent think-tank dealing with migration issues, based in Washington DC (USA). The webinar was presented by Demetrios G. Papademetriou, Distinguished Transatlantic Fellow and President Emeritus, MPI.

Comments on the proposal to introduce a screening of third country nationals at the external borders

The European Commission has opened the possibility for interested parties to provide comments and feedback regarding the proposed Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council introducing a screening of third country nationals at the EU’s external borders (COM (2020) 612 final 2020/0278). EURODEFENSE-ESPAÑA would like to avail itself of this possibility to make the following comments:

The European Union pact on migration and asylum

On 23 September 2020, the European Commission proposed a so-called “New Pact on Migration and Asylum” -document COM (2020) 609 final-. In August 2020, EURODEFENSE-ESPAÑA presented to the Commission a paper on The New Pact, responding to the opportunity offered for interested parties to contribute to this debate. This paper was later distributed within the EURODEFENSE network.

Immigration en Méditerranée : IRINI succède à SOPHIA

Décidée par l’Union européenne le 18 mai 2015, l’opération SOPHIA faisait partie d’un ensemble de mesures visant à répondre à une immigration massive transitant par la Méditerranée, à la fois en détectant l’arrivée des migrants et en s’attaquant aux causes de cette immigration que sont la pauvreté, les conflits et les persécutions. Au printemps 2019, suite au refus de l’Italie de recevoir les migrants sauvés en mer, l’opération se limitera à une surveillance aérienne et satellitaire de la zone, jusqu’à son arrêt définitif le 31 mars 2020. A cette même date, le Conseil européen décide toutefois de lancer une nouvelle opération, baptisée IRINI.

A new approach to European migration policy and security challenges

Illegal immigration is probably one of the main security challenges Europe is facing. Never in recent history have so many people wanted to settle in Europe, either because they are threatened in their home countries and they seek asylum, or simply for economic reasons, as they want to enjoy a better life. But can one really talk about a European migration policy?